主 讲 人:美国印第安纳大学Raymond Smith教授
Raymond Smith 教授简介:

Raymond Smith holds a Ph.D. in English Renaissance literature. His early work was as director of the Campus Writing Program at the University of Missouri, where he worked with hundreds of faculty in disciplines from Aerospace Engineering to Zoology to improve the quality of undergraduate education. He took on a similar job at Indiana University, another large research university (roughly 43,000 students, 1,400 faculty), where he became, after three years, Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education. In that role and for about fifteen years, he oversaw many important elements of undergraduate education, including faculty development, writing tutorial centers, teaching centers, classroom technologies (240 classrooms), the teaching with technology center, course development grant programs, course evaluation and assessment programs, numerous undergraduate initiatives, retention and graduation programs, freshman and sophomore advising (about 13,000 students), high school outreach programs, and freshman interest groups in the dormitories. Since stepping down from that post, he has taught numerous undergraduate and graduate courses, and coordinated ESL writing courses on the IU campus. In 2015, he won an Indiana University Trustees’ Teaching Award; this year, he is one of the principal investigators in a large grant dedicated to, among other things, employing writing in high school physics, engineering, and mathematics courses.